Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Pause While We Re-Group....

Well folks, some of you made it all the way to the end of the Key West trip with us - and many of you didn't!!!  We enjoyed re-visiting the keys and having you with us on this outing.  We have a lot of things to show you in the near future - including an upcoming  trip to our own Charleston, S. C. - one of our favorites - and some "train travel" that I think you will have fun with.  And ....  as an interlude for all of us - I'm adding some pictures of the flowers we had around the house last spring - because - we've been doing some work in the woods behind the house and I want to take you for a walk back there.  There are some really unusual flowers that begin popping up about this time each year I think you will enjoy seeing!!!  I hope you will consider joining us for our future excursions because we really like sharing our experiences with you.  We are going to have limited activity for a couple of days as we get ourselves prepared to travel with you again but we'll be giving you updates on what we're doing (including things like checking out Amtrak schedules and figuring out what kinds of tickets we should be considering for our rail travel.)   In the meantime, thanks for your interest in our travels.  After all - we truly consider ourselves as traveling for all of us!!  We will continue to believe that as long as we consider each other as "brothers and sisters" there is hope for our world and we hope you can share that thought.  We'll be back very soon.  See ya.

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