Monday, March 5, 2012

Meanwhile, Back On Mallory Square - The Sixties Return!!!

Sorry we had to close the last post before we got to the ""Sunset Celebration" but, you know how it is - a day on the water will wear you out!  So, we opted for turning in early (after a bit of time out by the pool, strumming the guitar and singing with some of our new friends) so we could get up early for another day of exploration in 'paradise.'  Key West really is a very pretty - and really laid back - place to spend a relaxing vacation.  The folks who come here are definitely in "party mode" from the very outset so being serious is a very hard thing to do.  And - on top of the crowd already here - there is an almost constant stream of cruise ships putting into port here to spend the day shopping, sightseeing, dining and - finally - "celebrating the sunset." Interestingly this somewhat unique 'rite' has been going on a very long time and it was even mentioned by James John Audubon in his writings from the area in the 1820s and, later, in the 1830s.  (Wow - if you ever want to learn about someone who made the absolute most out of the 66 years they spent on this planet, you need to check out Mr. Audubon's biography.  He has long been one of my favorites and his prints maintain an honored place on our walls!!! And - he liked the sunset at Key West!!! Hey - what can I say.) But despite the attention of Audubon and some characters from the 30s, 40s and 50s (including 'Papa' Hemingway and Tennessee Williams) it wasn't until MY era that things really got cranked up.  In the 1960s, with the advent of the "Hippie" generation it was only natural for the REALLY laid back drop-outs to wind up in Key West.  And - for the generation that discovered LSD there was nothing better than to 'drop a hit' and check out the sunset on Mallory Pier.  (Now Mallory Square.)  Since that time the daily celebration has gone through an incredible number of changes!  Early on the local merchants and residents viewed the activity as somewhat kinky but generally ignored it.  Later, as more people started to capitalize on the folks visiting the pier with vending booths, food carts and other mercantile offerings, the local businessmen decided they needed to step in and curtail those activities.  A couple of enterprising hippies outflanked them, however, and formed a 'cultural association' that sought to protect the 'free enterprise activities' going on at the pier.  Eventually a truce was reached and now, with the setting sun of each new day, the pier and the square are absolutely filled with every kind of performer, vendor and visitor you could possibly imagine.  This is something to experience folks!!!  I'm sure some people would describe the celebration as a 'tourist trap' and others would say it is just a silly activity participated in by folks who have too much time on their hands.  Still others would consider it something put on by unscrupulous merchants trying to soak the visitors for what they can get from them.  Well, some or all of that might be true folks.  But - remember this.  This area was home to pirates long before the idea of a 'cruise ship' was even a dream so  - have things changed so much????  Anyway, I've been there.  I've seen the people having a great time watching the entertainers, tasting the food options, listening to or watching the talented performers.  And - I've looked way off in the distance - across a turquoise sea beckoning the adventurous into the Gulf of Mexico - and I've seen that sunset.  That magnificent, 'one-of-a-kind'  never to be repeated sunset.  And I was exceedingly glad I was there, at that place, at that time.  This is an incredible world - and an amazing journey that we are all on.  Enjoy and celebrate each sunset you see.  We'll be back soon with more adventures!!!   See ya.

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