Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm baaaaacccckkkkk!!!

For those of you who were experiencing "withdrawal symptoms" ...  I'm SORRY!!!  I had to go out of town to take care of some family business and was "incommunicado" for a few days.  I'm back in town now and will resume our trip to Brookgreen ASAP.  But - all was not wasted.  While I was returning from the upper part of the state I stopped by the site of a really unusual "green building" project outside the small town of Winnsboro.  The work is being done by a delightful young lady and her students from one of our fine technical schools.  For those of you who were interested in our visit to the "Earth Ship" project in Todos Santos while we were in Mexico, I think you'll get a bang out of this!!.  I'll get it worked up soon too!  For now though... hang in there .. I'll be back shortly.  See ya.

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