Friday, July 29, 2011

Epilogue #3 - A new direction - July 29th

Hi Gang,
Yes, this post is, indeed, different than previous ones. It comes at the front rather than the end of the blog as we have done so far. After some thought we realized that we have a lot of stuff we would like to share with you - from our most recent trip and from some of the others we have had. They include - of course - lots of photos of some of our country's incredibly beautiful sights but, also, some information about places we have visited that we thought you might find interesting. And - if you happen to visit some of the places, the info might be helpful to you in getting the most out of your travels.  Soooo .... we thought we'd start doing "real-time" updates.  That means that now, we'll have the most recent post at the top of the page.  We will leave the trip posts as they were so if you want to look at any of those again you can still go down through them in the sequence we used before.

And - our tips and thoughts do not mean that we're trying to be "know-it-alls" because we certainly "don't." We would also like to get your feedback and any tips you might have for us. For now, we'd like to add a few of the photos we thought might give you some insight into the wonders of our parks, cities and states - natural and man-made.

For openers, the web site of the National Park Service is really phenomenal!!  Their web address is:

You really owe it to yourself to take a look at it.  You'll be surprised at the various information it gives you and the helpful tips for planning your trip.  (Wish I'd paid more attention to it myself!!)  And, if you are 62 don't forget about the National Parks Senior Pass. It is really valuable!!  It is on the above web site at:
When we mentioned we were starting our trip in Las Vegas we encountered more than just a few "turned up noses."  Why, they asked, would you want to spend time in a "gambling place?"  Well, turns out that some of the architecture and art that can be seen there is absolutely amazing.  Yes, there is more than enough "glitz" to go around but - take a look at a few things we saw.

This 35,000 year old Mammoth tusk was carved to depict all of the people living in a community in China.  The carving was begun about 500 years ago and the work continued for about 100 years.  The tusk sits on a carved piece of ebony wood five feet long and three feet high.  The piece comes from the Ming Dynasty and is exhibited in one of the casinos.

This remarkable piece, also from the Ming Dynasty, is one of a pair of jars - each weighing over 1,200 pounds - carved out of a solid piece of Jade.  The vessels were about four feet high and were incredibly ornate.

And this is a motorcycle that was hand-made to represent the "Siren of Treasure Island".  It is on display in the casino and was extraordinary.  I'm going to try to add a video that shows it in more detail and I think you'll see why it earned second and third looks from everyone who walked by.

Believe it or not - we've still got a camera or two to go through.  Sherwood has some good pics from Las Vegas - and the other places we visited - that we'll be adding later. 

One thing we have found very beneficial in virtually all of the parks we've visited is the abundance of places to stop for photos or just to sit and enjoy the amazing sights. And - those same places make it easy to pull off to allow someone who is in a bigger hurry than you might be. (Don't worry, they will some day regret rushing through these magical places.)

Another thing we have greatly appreciated is the availability of places to stop for a picnic! That's something we enthusiastically recommend. It might take some extra planning but, believe me, it's worth it. This spot was in Yosemite, right beside a beautiful stream.

We'll try not to put you into "photo-overload" so we'll end this post for now.

First, though, I wanted to go back and say a word or two about one of the things we commented on in earlier posts.  It is the "Tillman" bridge that now spans the Colorado River high above the unbelievable Hoover Dam.  Take a look at this picture.  It was taken from the top of the dam - which is, itself, nearly four hundred feet above the surface of the river.  The bridge rises another 300 feet + above.  Take a look at the picture and the tiny figures looking down from the walkway.  Amazing!!!!!!

Thanks for sticking with us.  We'll be back soon!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Quick Note About Our Blog **** Don't forget "Older Posts" !!!

For you folks who are experienced "bloggers" we want to give you a " heads up" about our posts. As we did on our Alaska trip, we plan to publish our posts so that they start with our first one and then go down in chronological order.  That method differs from the "standard" one where the most recent post is at the top of the list. I'm not sure why, but that seems to feel "right" to all three of us. (Yeah, we actually voted!!) Anyway, if it gives you major heartburn, let us know and we'll vote again!!! (It also means that the dates shown in the "archive" section over on the right might be kinda "weird." Sorry!)

Oh - that also means that if you get to the bottom of the posts and it just "stops" you will Need to click on "Older Posts" to continue. Thanks for your patience!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Experiences Of All Kinds

Hi Gang,

We're getting ready to go again. We hope you've stayed in shape since last fall because we're planning to cover a lot of territory in a relatively short time on this trip. We'll depart Greater Metropolitan Ridgeway on July 13th heading for Greenville/Spartanburg airport. From there we'll detour through Motown and turn West for "Sin City." (That's Las Vegas in case you couldn't tell.) From there we plan to check out Death Valley, Hoover Dam, Mammoth Lakes, Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park, Crystal Cave and many others. We look forward to having you with us again!!!  As usual, we'll have all those last minute details like ....  getting the house-sitters settled in, making sure all the animals know where their next meal is coming from, stuffing the hummingbirds to capacity before we go .. but we'll keep you up-to-date as we get ready to hit the road to see our beautiful country.

This time we will be using an iPad to do our posts. This will be a first for us so bear with us as we learn the tricks. We certainly want to make sure we can share the scenes we see with you so we've spent time learning how to send photos to a blog with an iPad. Right away we learned that there are "tricks" to learn. But ... With the help of a nifty app called "Blogpress" we overcame the hurdles and will add a photo from Sherwood's back yard just to prove it. More to come soon!!

Posted from iPad by SCTravelers3.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Travel Plan Update

OK Gang, we've started making our arrangements and wanted to pass along a few tidbits of info in case you're planning a similar trip.  First - I know you guys probably already know a lot of this stuff but for those who don't - in addition to the airport you leave from and the length of your trip, the actual days you travel on can make a huge difference in price.  The first "biggie" is that it seems that no matter where you go, staying over a Saturday night is one of the biggest "cost busters."  Then, if you have the flexibility, checking out prices for various departure and return days can make a difference of $100 to $300 in your ticket costs.  We have also found that while travel services such as Travelocity, Expedia, etc. have "low cost" fares, the airlines are now pretty willing to match their rates and sometimes you don't have the "no change" mentality of the services.  

We still found that the services (Travelocity is the one we've used most frequently) still have some of the better deals on auto costs.  And ..... if you've got one of those credit cards that give you "reward points" of some kind, they actually work GREAT!!  We got a fantastic upgrade on the car and a big reduction in "points" by making the reservation by phone rather than on line.  

Also - I know there are tons of options for hotel reservations but just one quick note for Vegas ... there is a site called " that has really been good to work with.  Of course, their business is making reservations for people but they seem to take their job seriously and they seemed sincerely interested in helping us.  And be sure to check the "Reviews" section when you are considering a hotel.  I can testify to the importance of that one!!!

Another small item.  I don't want to over-emphasize it but - when you are looking for reservations in or near a national park, you will find that there are multiple sites that offer assistance with those locations.  Most of them seem to be pretty reputable but they may not be officially affiliated with the National Park System.  That does not mean that they aren't perfectly acceptable companies but some are authorized concessionaires and some are not.  So - just be aware so you can ask the right questions.  

Oh .... by the way, as we said, one of our destinations will be Yosemite.  (...we'll be traveling the Tioga Pass from the Nevada side) which we consider to be one of the most beautiful places on the planet.  If you want to get a small idea of what's there, check out this interesting video about "Moonbows."  (Yep, that "dot" between the 'u' and the 'b' is supposed to be there.)

More to come .....  we're looking forward to the trip!!   

Our Route

Well folks, we're gearing up to go.  Getting some last minute things, etc.  Although we didn't post it on the blog last year, we kept an ongoing map of our route and it was fun to go back and see where we went.  At least one of our buds kept a similar map and when we got back he showed it to me to let me know he kept up with us each step of the way.  We did something similar the previous year and I'm attaching a copy just to show you what it looked like.  That trip saw us flying into Chicago and traveling North to - and around - Lake Superior and then Lake Michigan.  It was a great trip with lots of beautiful sights and fun people.  This is the route we followed.  If we can (iPad still being the mystery it is ...) we'll try to include one this time.  This is the route we followed:
Great Circle Tour - Lakes Superior and Michigan
If we can (iPad still being the mystery it is ...) we'll try to include one this time as we head into the Sierra Nevada Mountains.  (Actually, I tried to go back and re-create the map from the AK trip but it was humongous!!!! ...  and I couldn't get it all in.)

OK, Gang..... Here we go!!!

We made it. To GSP with plenty of time to spare!! Now, we're saddling up to leave for Vegas (via Motown). Only hitch in our "gitalong" was that beings as how we're here in sunny SC - the bar wasn't open yet - so we had to forego our traditional "Bloody Mary" toast to Lou. Oh well, we'll make up for it in "Sin City!!

.... More to come so ... Hang on!!!

SCTravelersX3 (Linda, Sherwood & The Driver)

Posted from iPad by SCTravelers3.

Touchdown in Detroit

Yeah, I know, we just sent a post a little while ago but I'm still trying to get the hang of the iPad. We're about ready but still have a few issues with the video uploading process. We'll get it eventually. In the meantime, a few pics from the "friendly skies."

We also found the Detroit airport to be very attractive with some really artistic features. I'm attaching some photos but really wish I could get the videos uploaded. They do a better job of showing the creativity of the artists.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

Posted from iPad by SCTravelers3.

We're here ...

Well Gang, we made it safely to Vegas and here's what greeted us as we entered McCarran Int'l.....

We even managed to rush Linda by the "bandits" without making a deposit!!!

Right before we arrived we saw some stark but beautiful scenery...

tomorrow we'll Take a look at some of the man-made wonders and we'll share them with you. Back soon...

************ DON'T FORGET ABOUT "OLDER" POSTS *********

Posted from iPad by SCTravelers3.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A day in the life of Vegas ...

Well, as we reported, we made it to Nevada safely. We checked into the Riviera and found our room to be Great!!! (Here is one of them...). We got settled in and realized the local economy needed a little "SC Stimulus Package" so we visited the "gaming facilities". (Some of you may have seen the totally fabricated video Sherwood put on Facebook.)

After a good night's rest we headed out to explore. Without too much narrative, here are some scenes from the Vegas strip... First, some views of Caesar's Palace ...

... And at the "Venetian" we ran into a couple of old friends ...

... After some quality time with Harrison and Whoopie we headed on over to "Treasure Island" for the "Pirate Ship Battle" but we found that we were too early. First battle starts at 7:30 PM, just 30 minutes before the eruption of the volcano at "The Mirage" casino. We'll try to get good pics of those epic events.

We also have some good pictures of the amazing Manhatten skyline at "New York - New York" and the Eiffel Tower at "Paris By Night". They are on 'real' cameras so when we figure out how to hook everything together, we'll share them with you.

We'll close for now so we can go meet two friends of our son who live out here. We have lots more to show from Vegas but we're really looking forward to getting on the road to the Sierra Nevadas to see all the magnificent sights out there waiting for us. See ya soon ...

Posted from iPad by SCTravelers3

Evening with friends ....

A quick note about the evening ... We went to dinner with friends of our son - Joe and Anna Gobel and Joe's sister Molly. We had a great time and wanted to add a photo of the event to the blog.

Tomorrow we head into Death Valley to find the place near Badwater that is (... At 282 feet below sea level) the lowest point in North America. Be sure to drink lots of water, the temp will be in the 110 - 115 range.

Posted from iPad by SCTravelers3.

Hello from Mammoth Lake, CA

Hi Gang,

A stunningly great trip from Vegas To Mammoth Lake!!! We headed North on U.S. 95 and made our way to Yucca Mountain! (Sound familiar?) Then on to Death Valley, Furnace Creek and other arid points! We visited the lowest point in North America, saw temps of 113+ degrees and saw some of the most incredible sights you could imagine. Now we're resting up before dinner, surrounded by snow covered peaks and temps dropping to low 30s later on. We'll be back shortly with lots of pics and more info. Stay tuned ...

Talkin about a firecracker ..... Eat your heart out "Black Cat."

.... Yep, it's legal in Nevada!!! You should see the size of the interviewing team when they have the "help wanted" sign out!!

Yucca Mountain is, of course, where the US spent billions developing a nuclear storage site to replace our own Savannah River site but then halted work. The reason, hmmmmm ... Harry Reid, Area 51, The Cherry Patch??? Lots of possibilities.

Then on to that forbidding but, in reality, astonishingly beautiful (albeit a tad warm) place of legend, Death Valley.

.... It's getting warm out here, Lucy!!!! ......

... The lowest point in North America .... Badwater Basin.

..... Salt coats the basin - residue from the ancient inland sea. The water you see here can scald your skin if you step into it.

At Furnace Creek, home of the highest temperature ever recorded, we arrived to a balmy 113 degrees!!! Notwithstanding the heat that singed our skin we had a great lunch at the Furnace Creek Ranch.

Then on through a series of beautiful California villages (Panamint Springs, Lone Pines, Independence, Big Pines, Bishop) to our destination, Mammoth Lake).

More later. Now, we're loading up to head for beautiful Yosemite. Stay with us.

Posted from iPad by SCTravelers3.

Amazing Yosemite ...

Mammoth Lakes is a "ski village" even in the summertime. It has that hard-to-define quality that conveys the idea that folks are simply biding their time until the slopes are returned to their proper state - snow-covered. Waking up surrounded by mountains with heavy coatings of snow on their shaded, Eastern sides you start getting it .... Still, to compare this setting to the ones we were in such a short time ago kindles a kind of wonder that is nothing short of awe and leaves us anxious to see what miracles nature could conjure up to match those of yesterday. So, we hastily prepare to get back on the road, grab a quick bite of breakfast and head north to the pretty town of Lee Vining on the edge of Mono Lake National Forest. There we turn West and enter Yosemite National park. Quick note - if you are one of the "ancient ones" and haven't gotten a " National Parks Senior Pass" -DO IT!! It's worth its' weight in platinum!!

I'll try to get in as many Yosemite pics as I can ...

Right from the entrance gate the sights are awesome ...

...soaring peaks and rushing streams by the thousands ...

..... The magnificent "El Capitan" wathces over the floor of the valley ...

..... While from across the valley floor "Bridal Veil Falls" sends down her cooling spray only to see it scattered by the winds before it reaches earth in some months of the year ...

... And across the valley, mighty Yosemite Falls let's visitors know that the forces of nature are alive and powerful here in this enchanted site ...

... But they are only a few of the countless falls that send their life-giving moisture to this dynamic and incredible ecosystem ...

... Our visit took us to all corners of this magnificent treasure and although we hated to go, we were already looking forward to the next adventure. Leaving Yosemite we headed West to Fresno and then South toward Visalia. Along the way we traveled through the most awesome agricultural regions on earth. Passing mile after mile of Orange, Lemon, Lime, Peach, Cherry and Olive trees, grapes, corn, sorghum, peas and a zillion other crops we were again reminded of the bounty with which God has blessed our nation. Gradually turning East we headed for Three Rivers, CA and our home-away-from-home, The Sierra Lodge. Remind me to tell you about the decor in the lobby. (For now I'll just note that it included Sable Antelope, Wild Turkey, Greater Kudu, a collection of cigar bands from 1890's Alaska and much, much more.)

A fabulous place to have as our headquarters while we explore Sequoia and King's Canyon National Parks.)

Posted from iPad by SCTravelers3.

Sequoia, the nation's second oldest national park ...

"FLASH" ... For all of you who thought the sixties and seventies ended decades ago ..... Wrong!!!!! They live and rule in Three Rivers, CA - at the "River View Restaurant and Lounge. Decompressing after a fabulous day of sightseeing and traveling, we were fortunate enough to uncover this well-kept secret and had a great meal beside the Kaweah River with the cool rhythms of a great band keeping us energized. Then, off to bed after a round of heavy duty philosophical conversation.

In the morning we got up a bit later than usual and got packed for our next adventure. With some outstanding advice from our newest buds at the Sierra Lodge (Mr. & Mrs. Paradis and their great staff) we had terrific breakfast at a dynamite, quaint place called "We Three" (more refugees from the sixties) and then headed for Sequoia NP. The road alone is worth experiencing but for powerful panoramas and unbelievable natural phenomena, ya gotta be there for the whole thing. Our "magic key" to the park was again our "Senior Pass"' one of the best things I've ever gotten!!!

Despite some heavy duty construction on the roads, our travels were smooth and we started out in search of the most massive living things on earth and ... We found them!!!!!

... Tunnel Rock ...

... Melting snow and the grinding power of glacial flow make for rushing streams with a magical blue color ...

... In some places the road was very challenging but with three qualifiedl drivers on duty simultaneously, advice was not in short supply!!!  (Look at this road, guys ... it's less than one lane wide!!!)

..... Soon we found those sites that propelled John Muir on his life-long quest to protect our natural wonders. Our debt of gratitude to him and all those with the farsightedness to see how important these lands are can never be fully repaid. ...

... The area we entered is appropriately named "The Giant Forest". The awe one feels in the presence of these magnificent "beings" is impossible to describe. Let me just say that on our hikes through the Sequoia groves we were surrounded by people from every corner of the planet and there were more than just a few misty eyes. We were so impressed by the reverence and appreciation demonstrated by those visitors to our country.

... And, yes, there are times ya just gotta hug one!!!!


... General Sherman, the largest tree on planet Earth. (We liked this one much better than the one who visited Columbia a while back.

.... And, at over 7,000 feet altitude, hiking here is not "...a walk in the park".

... Traveling on to King's Canyon we neared "Grant's Grove" (no subtlety here!) and stopped to observe one of the massive "prescribed burns" the Forest Service conducts to maintain the health of the forest. This was a small one encompassing only 686 acres!!!

... Still more to come but I'll try to get these posted and update them later. Hang in there troops, we've still got some miles to go.

Posted from iPad by SCTravelers3