Friday, July 1, 2011

Travel Plan Update

OK Gang, we've started making our arrangements and wanted to pass along a few tidbits of info in case you're planning a similar trip.  First - I know you guys probably already know a lot of this stuff but for those who don't - in addition to the airport you leave from and the length of your trip, the actual days you travel on can make a huge difference in price.  The first "biggie" is that it seems that no matter where you go, staying over a Saturday night is one of the biggest "cost busters."  Then, if you have the flexibility, checking out prices for various departure and return days can make a difference of $100 to $300 in your ticket costs.  We have also found that while travel services such as Travelocity, Expedia, etc. have "low cost" fares, the airlines are now pretty willing to match their rates and sometimes you don't have the "no change" mentality of the services.  

We still found that the services (Travelocity is the one we've used most frequently) still have some of the better deals on auto costs.  And ..... if you've got one of those credit cards that give you "reward points" of some kind, they actually work GREAT!!  We got a fantastic upgrade on the car and a big reduction in "points" by making the reservation by phone rather than on line.  

Also - I know there are tons of options for hotel reservations but just one quick note for Vegas ... there is a site called " that has really been good to work with.  Of course, their business is making reservations for people but they seem to take their job seriously and they seemed sincerely interested in helping us.  And be sure to check the "Reviews" section when you are considering a hotel.  I can testify to the importance of that one!!!

Another small item.  I don't want to over-emphasize it but - when you are looking for reservations in or near a national park, you will find that there are multiple sites that offer assistance with those locations.  Most of them seem to be pretty reputable but they may not be officially affiliated with the National Park System.  That does not mean that they aren't perfectly acceptable companies but some are authorized concessionaires and some are not.  So - just be aware so you can ask the right questions.  

Oh .... by the way, as we said, one of our destinations will be Yosemite.  (...we'll be traveling the Tioga Pass from the Nevada side) which we consider to be one of the most beautiful places on the planet.  If you want to get a small idea of what's there, check out this interesting video about "Moonbows."  (Yep, that "dot" between the 'u' and the 'b' is supposed to be there.)

More to come .....  we're looking forward to the trip!!   

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