Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas World!!

Well Gang, it's that time of year again!!!!  Yep, a time when many of the folks on our planet spend time reflecting on events that took place more than 2000 years ago and thinking about what it all meant.  This will not be a long post but I have been thinking about all of you a lot in recent weeks.  The folks who have tagged along with the SCTravelersX3 over the last few years have been from a pretty wide range of countries and we are deeply thankful that you have been with us.  You come from countries with varied philosophical and religious backgrounds and that is great.  But, here's the deal gang.  Regardless of what country you come from; no matter what the political or philosophical orientation of your leaders is; despite whether your country is wealthy or having difficult economic times, we are all fellow travelers on this little blue planet!!!  In order to have the best life possible, it is important to recognize that we need each other - even if we've never met or never will.  So - here is my prayer for all of us.  I pray that we will have the intelligence to see the crucial nature of the relationships between peoples, nations, and geographic locations;  .... that we will realize it is only through a cooperative, shared effort to make life better that we will fulfill our potential as a species; ..... that we can, somehow, acknowledge that treating others as we would like to be treated can create the potential for a world of peace and harmony.  Our lives are short but the wonders that lie at our fingertips when we take the time to look for them are miraculous.  Please look around, hold hands with each other, hug occasionally and recognize that, flawed as we are, we can be a pretty good bunch to hang out with!  Merry Christmas, everyone!!  We look forward to future travels together.  See ya.

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