Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Day of Remembrance

We've got a lot to share from this trip to beautiful Litchfield Beach but we wanted to take a take a brief time out to recognize a very somber and special event in our history - December 7th, 1941.  A number of years ago I was one of the leaders of Boy Scout Troop 388 in Columbia, S. C.  We tried to take the boys camping once a month and one long-ago December we arranged for the troop to camp out on the USS Yorktown, CV-10, a WWII era aircraft carrier permanently located at Patriot's Point on Mount Pleasant near Charleston, S.C.  It turned out that the camping trip took place on the week-end that included December 7th.  Consequently, we were there when the Pearl Harbor Day ceremonies were held honoring those who died on the "Day of Infamy."  It was an excruciatingly poignant event and even our youngest scout realized he was seeing something of enormous importance.  Fast forward to just this week.  The other day I read in the newspaper that only twenty senators (20%) and 89 representatives (20.5%) are military veterans.  The article discussed the impact of military service on how our representatives see a wide range of things.  As I see it, there is one thing that is certain - those who have never served have a more difficult time understanding how our service men and women fit into our society.  Regardless of the innumerable points of view there are on that issue, the reality is that, throughout our history, there have been men and women who valiantly stepped forward to give their lives, if necessary, to guarantee the freedoms and privileges we enjoy in this country.  I think that is worth taking a moment out of our daily routines to simply say - "Thank You" to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us.  Whether or not you are a religious person, I hope you will find the time to remember the people who have given their all so that you - we - could enjoy our lives in a way that would have been vastly different without their courage and commitment. See ya.

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