Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Across The Water and Back In Time

G'mornin' Gang,
As we talked about yesterday, we're in Seattle for a special event - but - since this is one of the SCTravelerX3 all-time favorite places, we hope to take the opportunity to take you to some cool spots while we're here. Today we are going to try to take a cruise out to "Tillicum Villiage" on Blake Island, birthplace of Chief Seattle for whom the city is named.

I visited the Island some years ago and have always wanted to take Linda there. I really regret that Sherwood won't be along but maybe we'll get another chance on a future journey.

Soooo ... we got up early for a great breakfast at our current home-away-from-home and headed for Pier 55, our point of departure.

Along the way we stopped to visit with our old friend Elliott the Otter

... and Linda supported the local economy (and the Starbuck's empire. It's kinda hard to see but the street sign in the background says "Alaskan Way" ... Yet another reason for stopping here.

Pier 55 is located just below amazing "Pike's Place Market", another of our favorites and we hope to visit later this afternoon. Of course Seattle has tons of fascinating buildings and the waterfront is a great place to visit for many reasons but we were kinda excited to be crusin' this morning!!

I added a shot of Seattle from the boat (SS Good Times II, no less!) but I wish you could be here with us in person!!! We just got underway from the Central Waterfront and I'll try to add pics along the way.

Whoa!!!!!! I just realized that I have too much to show and say to try to put it all in one post. I'm going to send this one on it's way from right down here at the waterfront and will start another one to cover the village in greater detail. Don't forget to come back. It's gonna be awesome!! See ya.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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