Monday, July 29, 2013

A Very Special Event Out West

Well gang, it's been a while since we last hit the road; lots of stuff going on around Ridgeway this summer!! And, we're still not heading out for a new SCTravelersX3 adventure but we wanted to share a short but special trip with you. Sherwood is holding down the fort in Columbia while Linda and I join some family folks in Seattle for the christening of "The Northern Leader," a brand new fishing ship built by our neice's husband and his partners. It is an amazing vessel and for those of you who joined us for our trip to the Olympic Peninsula, you might recall our visit to the Martinac Shipyard in Tacoma where we got to tour the construction site for the ship. I'll add a couple of photos as a reminder.

The first shows the early stages of construction of the hull and the second show one of the massive 'thrusters' that will work in tandem with the revolutionary engines being installed to give the ship incredible maneuverability.

The third is an artist's rendition of what the ship was expected to look like. As phenomenal as the painting is, the actual ship is even more beautiful.

We will get some photos of the 'real thing' to show you but. If you just can't wait, Google "Northern Leader" and you'll find several articles that provide pictures and a ton of technical info. Presently, we are winging our way westward on the 'great silver bird' so when we get to Seattle we'll get this posted and also bring you up to date on a couple of excursions we're planning that we think you'll enjoy.

Before we go, I wanted to add the latest view from the window, Mt. St. Helens!! Magnificent. See ya.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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