Thursday, October 4, 2012

Take A Look At This!!!!

When we were visiting Seattle I tried to show you several things I thought were quite interesting but I had a lot of trouble getting them uploaded.  As we have talked about before - we are using quite varied types of media - photos, videos, etc., - and I'm not the most techno-savvy person on the block.  But ... we keep trying!!!!!  And - eventually (most of the time) we get the job done.  Here is a video showing a really unique table at the Microsoft Headquarters in Renton, WA.  As I mentioned when I tried to upload it at the time, it is a "table" with a screen that is essentially a "picture" but with very strange capabilities.  The pixels in the screen are, themselves, tiny cameras so they are looking at you as you are looking at them.  The result is a screen surface manifestation that is really cool.  Take a look at some of our gang taking it for a test drive.


The stuff we saw at Microsoft really blew us away and we really had a fantastic time on our tour. 
We saw technology that is "cutting edge" and had a chance to see ourselves captured in "infrared images."  Take a look at the screen images here:

 The images are "real-time" and, as you can see, as we watched they reversed the format from positive to negative and many variations in between.  It was amazing!!

But just to show you the diversity of things you can see in this "edgy" community - let me take you to a whole other dimension.   Earlier we had gone to Pike's Market and I insisted that we visit the famed "gum wall!!!"  The following pics show .... you guessed it .... walls that are totally coated with millions of "chewing gum deposits."  Once you get past the obvious issue ....  (is there a germ or two here???) ... you begin to get a sense of something that borders on art.  Yeah ... I know that's a stretch but, really, take a look at this stuff!!!
And, yes, we left our own contribution to the cultural life of Seattle!!!  If you really get interested, write to us and we'll show you where our "contribution" is.  I'm not sure how long this practice has been going on but, believe me, it's been a while!!!  There must be twenty ka-jillion pieces of gum on the walls in this area.  Note the window sill and the development of "gum stalactites" along the edge.   It's pretty cool until you start thinking about where this all came from.  Whoa!!!!!

Yeah, this has got to be one of the stranger areas we have visited in our travels.  But - hey - I guess there are stranger things out there.  We've just gotta go find them!  Anyway, we wanted to share these with you since we missed them first time around.  We'll close for now and come back soon with some "real" wonders of nature.  (As if this were not one!!!)  See ya.

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