Saturday, October 6, 2012

Some Final Thoughts ...

Well folks, we've shared quite a few photos of the things we saw on our trip with you and we certainly hope you have experienced at least a tiny bit of the wonder we felt as we saw those amazing sights.  We know, of course, that you have seen things that are just as spectacular and we hope that one day you will be able to share them with us.  Just yesterday afternoon I was sitting on the front porch looking at the evolving sunset and thinking how great it is to be able to see and appreciate the beauty of God's creations.  (Those of you who have been with us a while are aware that I came pretty close to not being able to see anything a few years back!!!)  I never tire of watching the sun set - wherever we are - and this picture taken from the porch explains why!!!!  But - as we talked about the other day, the important thing is being able to stop and take the time to actually see what is in front of us.  There is so much beauty and such a profusion of miracles around us that it is almost incomprehensible that people spend their time in conflict with each other rather than celebrating the life that we share only once.  I mean, sometimes we show a higher level of regard and concern for our "non-human" friends than we do for our brothers and sisters.  Take a look at the photo on the left.   All along the Trans-Canada Highway there are these enormous bridge-like structures that appear to be tunnels underneath trees, rocks, etc.  In actuality, they are safe passages for the wildlife to use to cross the busy highways.  There are miles of fencing alongside the road that keep the animals from wandering onto the highway and gently channel them toward one of the pass-overs.  Wonderful, huh??  And think about what we do for our pets ....  seems like we could do as much for each other!!  Enough philosophy for now.  There are so many breathtaking photos in our collection and we have tried to show you the best of the best but there are also those pics that, somehow, you just can't help but taking - even though they might not be the most dramatic.  It's nice to share them too.  I know you have your own but here are some of the small wonders we saw.  The lakes, mountains, trees and birds; flowers, waterfalls, streams and creatures all seem to be shouting ...  Stop!!!  Slow down!!!!  Look what's around you!!!!  You only get one chance at this!!!!  It's not a dress rehearsal!!!!!! 

Shouldn't we be paying attention???


 I'm of the opinion that when God was thinking up color schemes that would make us smile, yellow was one of his finer choices!!!

And what better resting place could there be for a bee who has been working hard all day than a soft, welcoming Sunflower!!

And, when He was working on ways to use color and structural design to give us something to ponder about ....  I think he came up with the Rose to show us how things could really get interesting when you take a bit of time!!

To quote from a song I wrote a while back .......  "The fragrance of a rainbow's hues; The color of an old, old, love song; The sound of a blooming rose ... Your love taught those things to me."


Share some of these photos with some old 'Grumpy Gus' who doesn't seem to appreciate what they have and remind them of how fortunate they really are. We'll stop for now so we won't put you into "overload."But don't get complacent .. we'll be back before you know it with plans for other adventures and we expect you to be ready to go!! Thanks for your patience as we wander through this beautiful world. Sometimes we've just gotta stop and smell the roses.  See ya.

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