Sunday, November 15, 2015


 The French motto, Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, sets forth the things the French people said would be core values governing their interaction as a population and their relationships with their government.  It was developed early in the revolutionary events that formed modern day French society and was formally adopted during the "Third Republic".  Throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, France continued evolving as a unique nation devoted to individual freedom.  Despite the horrendous oppression suffered under the Nazi occupation, the spirit expressed in the motto was never vanquished and when the French Constitution was   modified in 1958 the motto again served as the foundation.  It is that spirit that rose to the forefront last Friday when the country experienced a terrible, cowardly assault by childish, ignorant barbarians living under the delusion that their brutal mindless acts could influence the behavior of a civilized people.  Those misguided stooges of puppet-masters operating in the Middle East have been brainwashed to believe that a religious philosophy espousing murder and savagery could justify absolutely inhuman acts.  We will not attempt to debate theology here but there can be absolutely no question that actions such as those committed Friday evening are anathema to every fiber of nature and could not be sanctioned by any legitimate diety.

To my Muslim friends, the world has not forsaken you.  We are still children of the book, children of God, people who believe in purity, sanctity, love, sisterhood and brotherhood.  You must condemn the acts of those who would pervert the name and spirit of religion by claiming that their actions are justified by Allah.  They absolutely are not.  No God would condone them.  It is time for our world to come together in the same spirit expressed by the French motto if we are to survive as a species.

Our thoughts and prayers will be with our French sisters and brothers as we move ahead in our quest for peace in this world.  They will also be with our brothers and sisters around the world who have suffered - and are suffering - at the hands of these sub-human savages.  To our Christian brothers and sisters - we stand side-by-side with you and will never, ever forsake you or abandon our mission of love.  It is time for the world to take a stand against this cancer on the people of earth

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