Saturday, March 28, 2015

It's Springtime and I've Been Thinking....

Well gang, all the signs of Spring are peeking out from behind the last frosty curtains of winter and here in the Sunny South the flowers, the blooming shrubs and trees and the scores of songbirds are announcing the fact that it is time to get started on our annual renewal.  For those of us who are practitioners of the Christian faith it is a very special time of the year;  a time when we celebrate the anniversary of an event that took place nearly two thousand years ago.  It was an event we believe resulted in the opening of a pathway for peace for our entire world and an opportunity for relief from the burden of our errant ways.  It is a system of belief not shared by all of our fellow men and women but, for us, it is an exciting time.  So bear with me for a minute or two while I ponder those thoughts. 

Actually, it was the fact that there are so many negative things occurring these days that led me to think about this idea of "renewal".  Stop for just a minute and think about yourself and the folks with whom you spend your days.  I'm pretty sure that, regardless of where you live or what you do, you have those around you who are important in your lives.  They are people whom you want to live in peace in comfort and for whom you make a special effort to help them achieve those ends.  It might be family members, co-workers, team members, comrades in arms or whatever.  But, there they are.  You know that when you fulfill your role as a trusted and supportive friend, things are better for you and for those with whom you associate.  If you are honest with yourself you will be forced to admit that that mutually supportive environment brings a level of comfort to you that results in feelings of warmth and peace.  Well, here's the deal folks.  If we extend our support, our consideration to others around us we have the potential to create an environment that can expand and bring those same feelings of peace to enormous segments of our society.  No, it is not easy to change attitudes, philosophies, behaviors, ways of life.  But the simple fact is that the level of antipathy, hatred and distrust that exists in our world today threatens to engulf us.  To crush the chances for peace among the people of our planet.  But it does not have to be that way!  We can change our course.  Look at the signs of spring - of renewal - around us.  Think about how wonderful it would be if we could all step back and take a different approach to how we relate to each other.

In this country and in other parts of the world we have become obsessed with certain approaches to things that I think have gotten us off track.  We have created educational curricula that emphasize "what we should learn" rather than "how to learn."  We have tried to articulate "what we should think" rather than helping each other learn "how to think."  We have promoted religious doctrines that dogmatically state "how life should be lived" instead of teaching us "how to live a life of peace and harmony".  Now is the time for us to change those approaches.  We must reach deeply into our hearts and souls and cast aside those destructive, misanthropic attitudes that have led to so much misery and realize that it is within our grasp to build a world of peace and happiness.  We can do this folks! 

I do not care whether you are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Shinto, Buddhist, Agnostic, Athiest or none of the above.  There is a simple, undeniable, absolute truth you can count on without question - if you are only brave enough.  That is - if you treat others as you would like to be treated - our world will work.  Do not let dogma dictate to you how you should behave toward your brothers and sisters.  Realize that the ultimate truth lies within yourself and that if you will allow yourself to open your heart and mind to the idea that we can be compassionate and considerate to each other this planet can become a true paradise.  It rests in our hands.  I promise - those who tell you otherwise are not telling you the truth!!!!!!!  You are my brother or my sister.  I love and respect you and want you to live in peace.  Join me in this idea.  See ya.

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