Tuesday, July 8, 2014

We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident

July 4, 2014 in Beautiful Suburban Ridgeway
Well Gang, it is a few days after the "birthday" of our country and I intentionally delayed preparing this post because I didn't want it to get lumped in with all the traditional celebratory things that were being circulated at about that time.  And I wasn't sure I knew how to do this.  This will not be a long post and it will certainly be 'partisan' but wherever you happen to hail from, please take time to hear me out.  I certainly do not want to offend anyone and I have traveled in close to fifty countries and have had absolutely wonderful experiences in each one.  But, I'd like for you to think of something.

The United States of America is a beautiful country.  Now, don't get me wrong ...  we have our 'warts' and 'bad features' just like any human endeavor will have.  But here's the deal ... this is a country that was founded by people who believed that there was a Supreme Being who had set the cosmos in motion.  Whether you call that force "God" or "Allah" or "The Field" or "Mother Nature" the thought was that the cosmos - and thus our planet - was set in motion by forces incomprehensibly vast. In struggling to express how the lives of mere mortals were affected by this 'power' it was concluded by some very thoughtful philosophers (among those trying to define our country) that God intended for his creations to live free.  Worlds collide, supernovae explode, sparrows fall, men die and it was their belief that that was the way it was supposed to be.  Love without interference.  Furthermore, they felt that this relationship translated into the idea that all men and women - all of them - were created equal in the eyes of God and should be able to pursue their lives and their happiness freely.  (Yeah, yeah, I know it took us a little work on the "all" part!)  That was not a blind belief that everyone would function and react the same way - it meant that if we, as a species, helped each other, tried to do our best, retained an ethical approach to our interactions with others - and didn't try to force each other to do things that were inconsistent with our moral guidelines - we could have a country, an environment, where humans could have a good opportunity for self fulfillment.  Yes, the country was founded by men and women.  Yes, we did screw up a lot along the way (and will continue to do so) but, the principles contained in those founding documents were golden - for all people, wherever you live. I'm not trying to be critical of anyone else's government - for goodness sakes, we have problems enough with our own!!  But - it is "our" government - "We The People".  That means me, my wife, my son and all our friends.  Ours.  We don't hold those representing us as accountable as I think we should but - we have the chance every other November.  What I'm talking about is more important than whether you call yourselves a "Republic" an "Empire", a "Commonwealth" or a "Union" - it is the way we see - and treat - each other.  If you are willing - and have the opportunity - take a look at what started all this not quite two hundred and forty years ago.  You can click on  Declaration of Independence   and it should take you to the right site.  Think about it and, when you're ready, give someone a big hug and see if we can all dedicate ourselves to treating each other fairly and thoughtfully.  Kinda like we would want folks to treat us!!  See ya.  

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