Sunday, March 9, 2014

On The Road (In Beautiful S.C.) Again

Hey gang - just a quick "heads up" ... we're heading out to beautiful Litchfield Beach again for a short "time-out" from winter.  Yep - we "sprung forward" yesterday and are in the throes of "time adjustment" which makes it just about a perfect time to head down to the coast for some R&R.  We'll be looking for some new adventures along our wonderful shoreline so we hope you'll come along as we explore.  Some new friends will be joining us during the week and it should be a lot of fun sharing our coastal adventures. 
In the meantime, spring has brought some absolutely gorgeous weather to the Palmetto State and we have had several "Chamber of Commerce" days this week-end.  And ... what better way to spend an early spring Sunday afternoon than watching the University of South Carolina baseball team continue their winning ways with a clean sweep of the Bears of Brown University.  The Gamecocks - right up there at the top in virtually every poll - are a spectacular bunch of young people and attending one of their games is a treat you really
Gamecock Basketball Star Jamel Bradley & Family
should take advantage of if you have the chance.  The Carolina stadium is absolutely beautiful and seeing so many people enjoying "America's past-time" on a picture-perfect day refreshes your spirit in a unique way.  We were at the stadium to kick off one of our fund raisers in support of speech and hearing health programs.  It was a wonderful day with terrific friends and it doesn't get much better than that!!!  But - with all that wonderful weather we had, Mother Nature is supposed to throw some cold water (pun definitely intended) on the spring weather later in the week but, until then, we'll take what we can get of the sunshine and warm temperatures!!!  Anyway - just wanted to let you know that we're cranking up for a short local trip in preparation for longer journeys coming up soon.  We'll be back shortly with more so put on a little sun-tan lotion and get out the shorts.  We're headed South!!! See ya.

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