Monday, September 16, 2013

Creator Help Us

O Lord, Creator of the timeless tide of the universe and of the unfathomable mysteries of human emotion.  Extend your healing touch to the hearts and souls of those inhabitants of our planet who, daily, encounter the wrenching agony of loss due to cruelty.  Reach out, as well, to those whose damaged minds are unable to comprehend the power of love and the saving grace it offers.  Touch us that we may reverse the tide of man's inhumanity to man and imbue us with the clarity of vision that will return us to the path of peace.  These things we ask as members of the living entity of your creations.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Rushing Back To Reality... Oops ... new version

Well, we're at the end of another great beach trip and we really hate to see the week come to an end.  But - we've got some stuff to do back home so we're packed up and heading back to greater metropolitan Ridgeway.  We thought we'd go back and mention a couple of things abut the trip that were kinda special and close out the week with some reminders about the special places we got to know along the way.  Of course we told you about some of the wonderful young people we got to know on our fishing trip and about our traditional visit to Russell's - but - we also chalked up a new "favorite" in the restaurant category.  Creek Get Carried Away Southern Takeout - Pawleys Island, SCRatz is now waaayyy up on the list of fun places to dine and I can promise we'll be back there soon!!!  Also - and this is a new one, folks - we used an extraordinary "take-out" food service this time.  It's a place called "Get Carried Away" and they specialize in low-country Southern-cooked dishes. Get Carried Away is an extension of the cooking talents Sassy and Brian Henry developed during the early days of their "Sea View Inn."  In 2005 they started Get Carried Away after many of their faithful followers urged them to "package" the meals that were so popular at their Inn.  The idea was to prepare, package and freeze the dishes so customers could pick them up, take them home, pop them in the microwave or the oven and have a delicious low-country dish quickly.  Their menu was somewhat limited to begin with but they encouraged folks from the surrounding area who had exceptional recipes to consider offering them at their take-out location.  The rest, as they say, is history.  With the introduction of "Palmetto Cheese" (their own, unique, highly popular version of pimento cheese) in 2006, their business really took off and that product - along with a number of others - is marketed from Texas to Maine!!! One dish they offer under carefully controlled conditions is their "low-country boil."  Some folks may know the dish as "Beaufort Stew" or the even more iconic "Frogmore Stew" but, for the un-initiated, it is a spectacular concoction of shrimp, sausage, potatoes, onions, corn, garlic and a combination of secret spices.  When you order the dish you have to designate a time when you will pick it up because it is "made to order".  Now, let me tell you folks, ... that is a dish that will knock your socks off!!!!  The shrimp are enormous, the sausage cooked to perfection, the corn seasoned in an extraordinary way and the rest of the dish - Fabulous!!!  We are so fortunate to have the numerous wonderful food options available on Pawley's Island, Murrell's Inlet and all the areas surrounding our beach hang-out.  As we mentioned about Creek Ratz, one of the things that really appeals to us is that the costs at the places we have mentioned are not 'over the top'.  Believe me, they do not - in any way - take second place to even the most expensive dining venues on the South Carolina coast.  Well, we are at the end of another great visit to the coast and we appreciate the fact that you have been with us again - that means a lot!!!!  We'll check back in soon with an update on our upcoming plans.  They will include - to some degree - Raleigh, North Carolina, Houston, Texas and other points around the country.  Get rested up and be ready to join us as the SCTravelersX3 hit the road again.  Until then, see ya.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I've A Whale Of A Tale To Tell You Lads...

Wow gang!!! I didn't realize an iPhone alarm could be so noisy!!! But it was, and it did the trick. We popped out of bed like a couple of pieces of toast in a toaster! It is September 5th and a real milestone for Linda. Not only is it the day of our fishing trip, it is also her birthday. So as we staggered out for a cup of coffee, we found that Sherwood was already 'up and at 'em' and had even prepared breakfast - complete with a "birthday muffin" sporting a candle.  We hustled around getting our stuff together and, soon, we were on the way to the "Crazy Sister Marina" to catch "The New Inlet Princess" for a morning on the water. We got there, checked in and joined our fellow fishermen to wait for the 'all aboard' call. The skies were a bit hazy but the weather was otherwise great so we had an enjoyable time looking at the area around the marina and getting to know our shipmates. Finally it was time to board and
we headed out of Murrells Inlet between the jettys that extend from the North end of Huntington Beach and the South end of Garden City Beach. The Inlet Princess is not a huge vessel but carries a maximum of seventy five passengers and a crew of about seven. Of course you would expect a
commercial enterprise to provide good service - after all, that's how you stay in business. But, I've got to say, the young folks we sailed with were 'a cut above.' They were bright, engaging and about as helpful as you could dream
of. They had our gear set up and ready to go and by the time we got to the fishing grounds bait buckets, baskets for fish and ice coolers were all waiting. We spent a little more than an hour en route to the spot Captain Robert had chosen for us to start with and it was refreshing and invigorating being on the
open sea with a bunch of great folks. We got to know three families from Lynchburg, VA who were staying in one of the large campgrounds in North Myrtle beach and we had fun sharing camping stories. We also got to know some of the crew members and were especially happy to get to know Jamie (who grew up not far from where Linda lived in Maryland) and Trey - from Hemingway, SC. They were a huge help to us throughout the day. Finally, we came to a halt and the Captain gave us the 'go ahead' to commence fishing. Almost immediately Linda pulled in the first catch of the day with Sherwood very quickly afterward hauling in a 'double catch'. The fishing - and catching - was steady throughout the morning with only infrequent stops to re-position the boat. As we had expected, the main catches were Black Sea Bass but we were delightedly surprised to also pull in "Ring Tail" and Drum as well. After a long, excellent morning of fishing it was all too soon time to 'reel 'em in' and head for shore. The ride back was remarkably smooth with lots of sea birds and occasional Porpoises spotted along the way. We arrived safely back at the marina and by the time we were ready to disembark the crew had the boat 'ship-shape with all gear properly stowed and our fish labelled and on stringers for our retrieval. Once ashore our new friend Trey cleaned and filleted our fish for us and placed them in plastic bags for our convenience. Before long we were packed up, back in the car and headed to Inlet Point for a cool shower and a long overdue lunch. It was a wonderful way to spend Linda's birthday and I really hope you will have the opportunity to go to sea with the hardy sailors of the Inlet Princess some day. I can pretty much guarantee you won't be disappointed. We'll be back soon with some more beach observations so, until then, see ya.

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How It Begins

An early morning cup of coffee on the porch looking out over the awakening marsh; spending a little 'quality time' with the Takamine - it makes you realize how much the way you start a day determines how it will go later. I suppose that's one thing that makes our travels so enjoyable - we almost always start them with a smile or a laugh. It also brings to mind something a fellow from Atlanta, Charles Swindoll, wrote a while back. Something we've commented on before but which probably bears repeating in view of some recent events. He said: 
"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play the one string we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes”

Well, speaking of attitudes, this afternoon we'll be visiting with one of our friends who has had a truly remarkable life. Her late husband was an outstanding Biblical scholar and a highly acclaimed theologian. Together they accomplished amazing things and along the way got to know presidents, actors and industrialists. The reason I mention all that is that they have always been the humblest people you could ever hope to meet and absolutely embodied the concept of a positive attitude. Our visit also comes at a very special time, too! Fifty years ago the two of them were some of the first folks to sign up to join Rev. Martin Luther King in Washington, DC for the now-legendary march and speech. Amazing.

After spending time catching up on the latest 'family happenings' with our friend we plan to head back out Highway 17, over to 'Russells' on Murrells Inlet. As we have said many times, it is our favorite dining spot and the trip isn't official' until we've eaten there at least once, With that, we'll close for now but come back soon because it won't be long before its time for our fishing trip. See ya.

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Day On The Coast

The South Carolina coast is just a wonderful place to visit!! And the most important thing of all is that no matter what your tastes are; no matter what your economic circumstances are; whatever your family circumstances are ... You can come here and have a great time! We spent a somewhat lazy day today, getting some additional supplies, picking up a few books and beachwear and going for a short stroll on the beach. We made plans to meet up with friends later in the week and, generally kicked back and got into "beach mode." As forecast, thunderstorms moved into the area in he afternoon and we spent some time in amazed contemplation of the power of Mother Nature. But, the storms passed, the sky cleared and we made plans for dinner. We have said many, many times how wonderful the options for dining are on Murrell's Inlet and that would be our destination tonight. Early on we had planned to go to one of the highly popular places but, on reflection, we recalled that the place we had planned to go was a bit 'fancy' and a little low on the 'Southern seafood' scale. So - we opted for one of the local favorites - and a place that remains open year 'round - with the unlikely name of "Creek Ratz." (Right next door to the famous "Dead Dog Saloon")Now, in case you're wondering, the local folks use that term to describe kids who grew up on the Inlet and who rarely came home after a day of play without being covered in 'creek mud.' The restaurant is absolutely true to it's heritage and you have never seen a more 'family friendly' place. The menu is diverse, extensive and very, very reasonable. It is located near the Intra-Coastal Waterway with great views of the Inlet, the marsh, North Litchfield and the beautiful boardwalk. They have some of the brightest, most engaging young folks you've ever seen on the wait staff - and - they have fantastic live entertainment.  We started with a 'libation' served in fine coastal crystal ware (!!!) and dined with elegant dishes and cutlery. (Not!!). Our meals (all seafood - although beef, poultry and vegetarian options are available) were outstanding and the portions quite generous. The people throughout the restaurant were cordial, thoughtful and fun to be with. Our dining experience capped off a great day on the coast and caused us to eagerly look forward to the rest of the week. We'll be back tomorrow with more adventures so come on back!! See ya.

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We're Here!!!

Hey gang!! We made it down to the beach safely and, while we don't usually

jump right into our posts, I thought I'd add a postscript to some of the last things we wrote. I had previously mentioned being "down in the dumps" over things that had happened recently. I later added a link to a video that showed an amazing young

man making his way in the world under very difficult circumstances. Well, the bottom line on all that stuff is this; yes, we can be discouraged when our doubts, fears and ignorance take control. But the truth is (as Richie Parker so vividly demonstrated) if we keep our faith, continue to strive - even in the face of great challenges - and remain committed to achieving the best that is in us, miracles can and will happen. I'm sure not going to give up on our wonderful world!!! So we will go forward and find our miracles.
I'm adding just a few pics to give you an idea of the weather this Labor Day.

It is a sunny ninety degrees with thunderstorms likely later. We're keeping our fingers crossed for clear weather later so we can get out on the 'deep blue sea' for some fishing. We'll keep you up to date!

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Location:Marsh Hen Dr,Pawleys Island,United States