Saturday, February 27, 2016

Yes .... we're still here!!!

Hi Gang !!   In case you were wondering where we had gotten to ... let me do some 'splaining.  First, though, let me say thank you to all of the folks who have continued to check in on us here at SCTravelersX3.  Your presence has been felt and has helped us get through some rather trying times for all of us.  Going back about sixteen months, the death of my brother, David, really set me back in many, many ways.  He was a huge part of my life - and the life of our family - but, moreover, he was our strong presence in all of the things necessary to take care of my mother in her Independent Living home.  As David's representative there were countless things I had to do to settle his affairs and, subsequently, we had to come up with a new plan for dealing with our obligations in Anderson.  Sooooo .... over the last year or so we have had to deal with disposition of a lot of personal property, real estate, automobiles, a lifetime of tools, thousands (literally) of cameras, finding new homes for three cats, and, ultimately, new arrangements for the care of my mother.  Yeah, I know .... it is stuff many of you have had to do yourselves - but - it was a new and daunting experience for me.  But - with the support and assistance of my wonderful family, my spectacular friends and the friends of my brother and my mother we have managed to complete all of the steps necessary to move ahead with this new chapter of our lives.  I have learned how to do a lot of things I didn't know much about - but - more importantly, I have learned how not to do some things I thought I understood.  One of the many lessons I have learned is - we all have too much stuff.  Now I'm not a "minimalist" or anything but I'm a long way from being a "hoarder".  Still, having to arrange for disposition of what amounted to about 255 years worth of stuff  (the combined ages of my mother, my step-father and my brother) was absolutely stunning.  Please, folks, do yourself - and more importantly, those whom you love - a favor and make some good arrangements for what is to be done with "your stuff" if anything should happen to you.  You might not think your personal possessions amount to that much but, believe me, when you start dealing with them one item at a time you will be absolutely shocked to find out what you have accumulated.  This post won't deal extensively with the issue of how to manage your possessions - it is simply an explanation that our time has been consumed by the things necessary to deal with disposition of several "lifetimes-worth" of accumulated possessions.  And ... to let you know that we have reached a point where a lot of the things we have had to deal with are behind us and we will be moving ahead to re-capture our lives.  That means .... ta da ...... that we will be hitting the road again pretty soon and we will take you to some outstanding places to visit here in South Carolina and throughout this magnificent country of ours.  Thank you again for sticking with us.  I'm pretty sure the wait will be worth it and that you will really enjoy the new places we will explore and the things we will learn.  See ya .... SOON!!!