Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ukraine and Us

It has been a while since we have added a post to our site - mainly because we have been sticking close to home in recent weeks.  We have had a number of family and civic obligations that kept us tied up but then, along came "Mother Nature" and restricted our activities even further.  I am adding some photos of our yard during the "snow days" and, while I know it is not very impressive for some of you folks, here in the 'Sunny South' any frozen precipitation we get is cause for comment!!  But - even though our activities have been limited lately, it wasn't just the snow that compelled me to write.

Moe Wants To Be Your Neighbor
KC Thinks Something Is Up!
We have watched with growing apprehension as our brothers and sisters in the Ukraine have struggled with conflict in Kiev and other spots around the country.  I don't even pretend to understand the causes for the conflict even though the pressures created by the need for financial assistance - whether it is from the EU, Russia, the U.S., China or elsewhere - is always stress producing and seems to be the reason for many problems around the globe.  I am not going to weigh in on one side or the other in the conflicts that have escalated in recent days but I will repeat the admonition I have voiced in talking about the Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Turkey and the other tragic places around the world where conflicts continue - please try to remember that we are fellow travelers on this tiny galactic island.  Please look at each other with the thought that your roles, positions, physical locations or philosophies could very easily be reversed in a heartbeat.  Try to give each other that most precious gift - the gift of understanding and the desire to treat others as you wish to be treated.  It can work folks!!!  We've gotta try.  It has broken our hearts to see lives forever disrupted because we can't seem to understand how to reach out to each other.  Remember, folks, the important thing is not how we are different but how we are alike.  I simply wanted to let every one of you who have been a regular part of our SCTravelersX3 team - and even those of you who are brief visitors - that we will be praying for you tonight and that we hope you will remain safe and free in the days ahead.  See ya.