Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tell Ya What We're Gonna Do ... !!!

Well, Christmas has come and gone, Old Man 2013 has gone slinking out the door, Young 2014 has leaped onto the scene with a bang and we are now in the midst of the coldest weather we have had in years.  No, I'm not about to jump into the "global warming" debate but - hey - its REAL cold out here in greater metropolitan Ridgeway.  I just hope it will stay cold enough to kill off about a zillion or so Pine Beetles and to give our spectacular peach crop the kiss it need for that extra sweetness.  As you have probably figured by now, being beset with a touch of cabin fever, I'm in a bit of a loquacious mood so it's time to talk adventures!!  A couple of posts back we talked about some of our budding "Geocaching" experiences.
Front and Rear Views " SCTravelersX3 Geobuck"
Official Geocaching Logo
I hope that if you read the posts you took the time to find out a little more about this interesting pastime.  I have been amazed by the number of people who regularly engage in geocaching (there are more than 2,200,000 geocaches around the globe) but equally surprised by how few people we know have ever heard of it!!  If you haven't - but you are interested - just go to this link: Official Geocaching Site   Well, as we mentioned, we are still waaaayyyyyy new to it but have already found that it is an enjoyable and intriguing way to find out more about the world around you.  One feature of most geocaches is the fact that they contain small items that can be retrieved and swapped for something comparable.  Makes it more of a "treasure hunt."  So - we thought we would develop a unique item we could leave that would also add to the fun a bit.  There are lots of variations in geocaching including just plain toys; "trackables" (items that are meant to travel to a specific point with assistance from kindly 'cachers' along the way); and geocoins that can be bought, sold or traded.  We developed what we are calling "Geobucks."  It will be a small, plastic-laminated card showing the "SCTravelersX3"( with a QR code leading to the blogsite) on one side and, on the other, a scene from one of our trips.  Now here's what some might call the 'weird part."  We are going to announce on the blog site that anyone who finds five of the "Geobucks" can write to us, noting the location in which they were found and telling us what their favorite charity is - and we will send a donation of $5.00 U.S. currency to the charity on their behalf.  I'm sure we'll have lots of kinks to work out as we go but we have already begun leaving the Geobucks in caches we find.  Here's hoping you will run across one (or, better still, five!!) as you take up geocaching and that your favorite philanthropy will benefit from your adventurous spirit.  Keep an eye out for the brightly colored wording on the right!!   See ya.