Saturday, August 25, 2012


Hey gang,

As we noted the other day, we're getting geared up to head out again to see what we can find in the great Northwest.  I wanted to make sure we could have you along as we checked out the neat stuff we hope to see so I tried posting some video footage.  I had a few problems so I thought I'd practice with some stuff from home.  Since we have these amazing hummers around during the summer, I took some footage of them to see if I could get it out there.  Here is the result.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, August 19, 2012

On The Road Again........

OK gang, it won't be long until we're off again to check out this wonderful world of ours.  We've been sticking pretty close to home in recent months to take care of family obligations and some personal business.  But - we are getting itchy feet and want to get back out there - with you along, of course.  This time we will again be heading to the Pacific Northwest where we hope to visit some of our favorite places in Washington state and several Canadian provinces.  We will also get to see two of our favorite nieces and their families in Eastern Washington.  they have some really cool stuff so you will want to make a special effort to be there when we go to Wenatchee and Cheney.

This will also be a nice change for us because our son will be joining us for the first half of the trip.   He won't be able to make the whole trip because of work obligations back home and will be leaving us in Spokane.  After that we'll head up into Canada to spend some time in Calgary, Banff and points West in the Canadian Rockies.  I'm hoping we won't miss the changing of the leaves completely and if we don't we should have some spectacularly beautiful stuff to show you.

Anyway - rest up and get your warm clothes out of storage because we'll be traveling in much cooler temperatures than the ones we've been enduring for the last several months.  We look forward to being back on the road with you - we've missed you!!!  See ya soon.